Our goal is to provide quality services, continuously develop human capacity, and strengthen the professional reputation of the Center in order to advocate for the importance of sociological and educational research in Armenia.
Our Services
The Center offers a wide range of services
The Center offers a wide range of services focused around 4 directions:
Design and implementation of educational and sociological research
We design research methods both qualitative and quantitative, skillfully selected and applied based on the goals and objectives of a given educational or sociological research or project. The Center regularly updates and improves its activities by selecting innovative methods of research, data collection and analysis. We use the following quantitative and qualitative data collection methods:
Quantitative methods
Qualitative methods
Guided by the international and local research findings and best practices, the Center has developed an in-depth methodology and a toolkit specifically tailored for the educational research. It helps to guide our research in the frames of the following educational processes and activities of educational institutions:
One of the key objectives of the Center is to highlight the importance of sociology as a discipline, contribute to the increase of its credibility and prioritize sociological research in Armenia by providing quality services as follows:
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The Center conducts combined analyzes of quantitative and qualitative research results. Our analytical services can be part of a comprehensive research, or simply provided as a stand-alone service. We pay special attention to the secondary analysis of documents and research reports related to the issues of education and youth, protection of children's rights and other relevant fields that allow us to compare and get a complete picture of change in various phenomena over the course of years. The Center offers a full sociological toolkit for analyzes.
We greatly values our clients’ and beneficiaries’ opinions and requirements concerning the logical structure and content of the reports. Similarily, the Center's experts and researchers pay special attention that video-methodological and scientific grounds backbone any report developed.
The Center regularly updates, improves and supplements its toolkits for quantitative and qualitative analyzes. For quantitative data analysis, the specialists of the Center use SPSS, Stata and other statistical software packages, as specified by the project and/or the client requirements. For qualitative purposes, the Center uses MAXQDA and NVIVO programs.
The Center greatly emphasizes the development of professional capacities of education specialists, young people and all beneficiaries, hence, in addition to offering training, it also participates in conferences and discussions in the fields of sociology, education and youth.
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Design and implementation of professional capacity building courses, trainings, and organization of conferences
The Center offers the following courses on educational and sociological research:
The Center greatly emphasizes the development of professional capacities of education specialists, young people and all beneficiaries, hence, in addition to offering training, it also participates in conferences and discussions in the fields of sociology, education and youth.
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Provision of consultancy services, participation in the development of concept papers, policy documents
As a rule, consultancy services provided by the Center are a logical continuation of our research services. Research papers and reports developed by the Center include recommendations that help the clients not only to form a general overview of the studied phenomena, but also to plan their actions guided by the research results. Following its main mission, over the last decade the Center has continuously put efforts to inform the decision-makers on its key research findings and advocate for evidence-based policy making in the fields of education, child protection, youth and other public areas. Thanks to growing collaboration between our Center and its partner structures, we see an increase in significance of sociology as a science, and raise in credibility of sociological and educational research.
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Sociological methods in participatory evaluation
A hands-on course for beneficiaries of the American Library and Learning Center
The course was conducted in cooperation with PH International (Project Harmony).
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A course on the application of sociological research methods within the framework of participatory evaluation
It was for employees of the local self-government body of the Goris enlarged community and local NGOs
The course was conducted in cooperation with the WINNET Armenia network
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Sociological consultancy
Provision of consultancy services, participation in the development of concept papers, policy documents
The Center has consulted the National Institute of Education during development of the methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of teacher training in Armenia.
In 2012 together with “Yerkusov" specialized psychological center, the “Center for Educational Research and Consulting” developed a monitoring tool to track the progress of public school psychologists.
Research Projects
Research Projects
In March 2022, the Center celebrated its 10th anniversary. During these years, the growth in numbers, and successful completion of projects and programs implemented by the Center illustrate an increased demand for our services, as our clients find solutions to their problems in cooperation with us. On this page, you can get acquainted with a showcase of activities of the Center filtered by service, year, partner (clients) and main projects/research carried out..
Research in the field of education
"Teach for Armenia" Educational Foundation Alumni Survey
"Teach for Armenia" Educational Foundation
July-October 2024
Eurasia Partnership Foundation - Armenia
Sept- Nov 2021
EUROSTUDENT Survey, V Brusov State University, Ministry fo Education and Science of RA
Dec 2013 – Jan 2014
"Special creative center for juveniles deprived of their liberty" SNOC
Jan-June 2013
Open Society Foundations- Armenia
Jan- June 2013
National Institute of Education
Nov-Dec 2012
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Sociological research
UNICEF Armenia
April-July 2023
Eurasia Partnership Foundation, USAID
May-June 2022
"Civic Youth Center" community development NGO
Black Sea Regional Trust
Cooperation Fund
Dec 2020 - April 2021
Gyumri Youth Situation Analysis
“Youth Initiative Centre” (YIC) NGO
July 2020-February 2021
DVV international Armenia office
Sept-Dec 2019
“Youth Cooperation Center Dilijan" NGO
April-Jan 2016
UNICEF-Armenia, World Vision Armenia
April-Sept 2015
Gyumri Youth Situation Analysis
“Youth Initiative Centre” (YIC) NGO
October 2014-March 2015
Save the Children Armenia
Dec 2012-March 2013
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"Transparency International Anti-Corruption Center" NGO, "Asparez" Club of Journalists NGO
Feb 2018 - Jan 2019
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"Problems and Opportunities of Refugee Integration in Armenia" Project
"KAZA" Swiss Humanitarian Foundation
January-April 2024
EDU2WORK project
“Institute of Public Policy” NGO, National Innovation Center of SDG Armenia, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
March-May 2021
Evaluation of Vanadzor small group home model and a study of the lessons learned
UNICEF Armenia
Feb 2020-Nov 2020
Final evaluation of the “Zang” legal socialization program
Project Harmony- Armenia
Feb-March 2013
“Rural Income Generation” program evaluation
Save the Children Armenia
Sept-Oct 2013
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